Working at NOSS

Not Your Typical Office Job

We Transform Lives

Allowing Individuals with Disabilities
to Live with More Independence

We're Looking for You

The Person Who Wants to Make an Impact

Our Values


The work NOSS does every day is built on a foundation of compassion; of caring for the lives, well-being, health, and flourishing of the people we support.

Not only do people with disabilities deserve rich and fulfilling lives, but we at NOSS believe we have a part to play in helping to provide them.

Diversity & Inclusion

At NOSS, we believe there is strength in diversity. A wealth of perspectives, life histories, backgrounds, and abilities only serves to enrich the quality of work we do.

What's more, we're dedicated to helping individuals with disabilities achieve full inclusion in their community in addition to the independence at home that many take for granted.


NOSS is not a one-person show. We work together to collaboratively solves the challenges we face on a day-to-day basis.

When you work with NOSS, you become part of a team; a team striving to improve the lives of others.

To Apply

Complete an application by filling out and submitting the form below. If you're having trouble using the online form, you can download a PDF copy of the application by clicking the download button. If you download a PDF copy, send it to Once an application is received, NOSS will reach out via email to discuss the position and schedule next steps in the interview process. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at We look forward to working with you!

PDF Application Download